Sunday, July 11, 2010

Well so....I have been a lil down this last week and by down I mean sick. I have had a very severe ear infection and I never knew how much pain they can cause. I feel so bad they I never realized how bad they are when the kids get them. I am a little disappointed to get on here to find I still have absolutely NO followers or subscribers!! I have had a few people say they love to read my blogs. Honestly I love to write them.
So my week has been a little crazy. We have went to watch Eclipse which I absolutely loved and went to a friends wedding which was beautiful. It was at the lake and she was absolutely beautiful.
I am going to attempt this week to do some LATE Spring cleaning of the complete house. I honestly haven't had a chance to do so. So room by room that's my plan. I also need to do some painting and put down some new flooring in the kichen!
To top it all of school starts in less than a month so I will be doing some school shopping. I feel like there's not enought time to do everything I need done.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A lil catch up on everything!

Wow, so I planned on keeping up with this blog but time and life has gotten the best of me the last few. So to catch you up to speed I have been without a vehicle for the last 3 weeks and mine is now finally fixed! Thank goodness! The air compressor went out and then it ate my seroentine belt so I had to pay a nice chunk to get it fixed! I have also added something's to my blog page so check them out. I am kinda rambeling here I know!

I decided to take the kids to watch Toy Story 3! Was that fun me and my three crazy kids ALONE! I had a coupon from where I had bought the older dvds for a free adut entrance so I only paid $11 for the kids and I also got another free ticket for our next movie from my rewards card. It was trying but not as bad as I thought! They had a little area in the lobby set up so the kids could meet Buzz. I thought that would just tickle Dude (my youngest) to death.....boy was I wrong, he was scared of him. Which in return made Ladybug (my little girl the middle child) a little scared too. All Dude would do is stand there and act as if he was shooting Buzz. My oldest Dicky went over and sat with Buzz had his picture taken and they still wouldn't go over. So I said ok that's enough went over and got our popcorn and drinks. We made our wasy to the theater and our seats as I was sitting Dicky's seat gave knocking their Icee up in the air everywhere. He went out and told them and the manager gave him another Icee free. The movie was the better of the three. I am not going to ruin or spoil it for anyone. I have heard people say it was dark but I don't believe so. I believe there was a few scary spots for younger kids. I did however cry. It's a very emotional little movie. After the movie Dude was screaming crying wanting to see Buzz and take a picture with him. At this time Buzz was already gone. :( So I had to drag him out kicking and screaming.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

My List! :)

  1. Be closer to some of my family
  2. Lose 60 lbs.
  3. Teach my kids to be responsible
  4. Show them how to appreciate what they have
  5. Get the kids a pool
  6. Teach the kids to swim....... after I learn how
  7. Have more family cook outs
  8. Coach my sons baseball teams.....I love helping and I think I may coach fully next year
  9. Teach my daughter to cheer and gymnastics
  10. Learn a new language.
  11. Go back to school.
  12. Learn to cook...mainly just expand my cooking skills.
  13. Learn to swim.
  14. Swim with dolphins
  15. Build our dream home
  16. Have a huge country kitchen
  17. Wear a bikini
  18. Go on a cruise
  19. Go to a spa and get a massage
  20. learn to roller blade
  21. learn to ice skate
  22. Try all types of new foods....esp. from other countries
  23. Grow a vegetable garden and raise beautiful flower beds
  24. Go camping with my family
  25. Take my kids to Disney World..I have never been myself
  26. Meet Saul's family in California
  27. Have a breast reduction
  28. Visit NY
  29. Go sky diving
  30. Take my kids to a Cincinatti Reds game (I got to take them and they had a blast, We watched the 2010 Hall of Fame Inducties, great fireworks and MC Hammer! watching my baby boy do the "Hammer dane" was the greatest thing!)
  31. Attend a UK basketball game
  32. Attend a Cincinatti Bengals game
  33. Attend a Dallas Cowboys game
  34. Go to the NCAA Final Four Tournament
  35. Attend the World Series
  36. Go to a Marshall football game
  37. Attend the Super Bowl
  38. Go to Georgia
  39. Visit California
  40. Take the kids to Tennesse
  41. Visit Mexico & El Salvador
  42. Take my kids to the beach
  43. Spend a morning with each child collecting seashells
  44. Learn to decorate cakes.... I do ok but I can do much better
  45. Make and paint pottery with my kids
  46. Teach my babies to cook
  47. Teach my boys the art of chilvary.....
  48. Make a cookbook
  49. Buy a white dress just like Marilyn Monroe's
  50. Wear that dress and look beautiful for a night on the town and dinner at a fancy resturaunt with the love of my life
  51. Bake for my kids more often
  52. Start a budget
  53. Lower our bills
  54. Save more money

Just be Patient!

OK so I decided to create my blog on here due to the fact it was a little simpler than the other sites. I have a lot of goals I want to achieve and thing I want to do with my life that I want to share along the way. I also have a list that I will post later of things I want to do and I will add to this as I do them or as I think of anything else! No, I'm not a reporter for the New Yorker nor am I a journalist so I know that my grammar, run on sentences and things of that nature will probably be made fun of or talked about! My future blogs are not for your pity, self worth, contradictions or anything of that nature! I hope you enjoy what I have to write about and what I post and hopefully soon there will be some recipes that I have tried and liked!